Acupuncture involves the use of fine needles to hit specific points in the body (acupoints). A key component of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is most commonly used to treat pain. Increasingly, it is being used for overall wellness, including stress management. The idea behind this treatment is to restore the natural flow of qi, blood, and body fluids in patients. This goes hand in hand with other modalities such as ventosa, electro acupuncture, and acupressure.

Regular Acupuncture
Traditional Chinese medicine explains acupuncture as a technique for balancing the flow of energy or life force — known as chi or qi (chee) — believed to flow through pathways (meridians) in your body. By inserting needles into specific points along these meridians, acupuncture practitioners believe that your energy flow will re-balance.

Acudetox or NADA Protocol involves the gentle placement of up to five small, sterilized disposable needles into specific sites on each ear. It is used to aid in the treatment of various addictions, even food, and is recommended for insomnia, high levels of stress, mental and emotional trauma, anxiety and depression.

Cosmetic Acupuncture
Cosmetic acupuncture helps to improve qi and blood circulation to the face as well as stimulates collagen production, prevents premature wrinkles, and reduces bags and dark circles around the eyes.
Colon Cleanse
Our colon cleanse treatment is done through a coffee enema. It involves the gradual infusion of about 3 gallons of a diluted coffee solution into the rectum through the anus. During the treatment, the caffeine absorbed by the blood vessels surrounding the rectum is transported to the liver via the portal system, and stimulates opening of the bile ducts, and secretion of bile. The theobromine and theophylline from the coffee also increase bile flow.
Coffee enemas have been shown to stimulate the liver to produce the enzyme Glutathione s-transferase by 600-700%. Glutathione is an antioxidant that reduces cellular damage caused by oxygen free radicals.
This treatment is a very good aid for liver detoxification.
Intravenous Therapy
Intravenous (IV) therapy, or IV infusion, is a way to give a person medicine or fluids directly into a vein. It requires using a needle or catheter (tube) that is inserted into the vein. IV therapy can be used to treat many different medical conditions.
The process starts with a healthcare professional inserting a needle attached to a small tube into a vein in your arm. The small tube is connected to an IV bag that has either fluids or liquid medications. The solution from the IV bag enters your bloodstream through the vein. The IV line is attached to an adjustable valve.
You will be monitored during the procedure. A healthcare professional may check to make sure the needle stays inserted, and the flow of liquid from the IV bag is correct.

IV Nutrient Therapy
IV Nutrient Therapy helps to replace depleted vitamins and minerals in the body, which are essential for optimum health. It upregulates the immune system to help the patient stave off an impending infection and/or recover quickly from disease. Infusions vary in composition for different conditions, and are formulated according to the needs of the patient. It is best recommended by a licensed physician.

IV Cancer Protocol
CAM Cancer Therapy aims to provide complementary or adjunctive and alternative options to conventional treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. This involves the intravenous infusion of high doses of Vitamin C, which helps in controlling tumor growth by increasing the rate of apoptosis and upregulates the immune system for less adverse effects from chemotherapy and radiation.

IV Laser Thereapy
IV Laser Therapy or intravascular laser blood irradiation involves application of laser light directly into the bloodstream. This light therapy increases the rate of tissue repair, reduces pain, and decreases systemic inflammation in the body. It works at the cellular level to reduce oxidative stress and increase ATP production in the mitochondria.
Life & Health Coaching
Just as a sports coach can help an athlete develop and excel at a sport, a health and wellness coach can help anyone excel at living their life, even — or especially — if they have chronic medical conditions. Clients work with a coach to help them with a broad variety of health issues, such as weight loss, stress reduction, the management of chronic conditions, improving diet and exercise, tobacco cessation, addiction, and adjusting to a life-altering health event, like a heart attack. There is overlap between what a health coach does and what a life coach does, but a life coach’s domain is much broader, and includes career issues, executive coaching, and professional effectiveness.
Energy Healing
Energy healing is a holistic practice that stimulates the body’s invisible electromagnetic field or energy system to restore the normal flow and balance of energies in the body. This is performed by a practitioner or healer trained and oftentimes gifted in channeling and transmitting healing energy into the patient with the use of his/her hands. A disruption in the normal energy flow and balance contributes to dysfunctions in the body, ultimately causing “dis-ease.” By removing these energetic blocks, the healer aids in stimulating the body’s innate ability to heal itself. Our energy therapies include Reiki, Pranic, and Crystal Healing.
Intuitive Counseling
Intuitive Counseling is a form of psychotherapy that uses intuition to bring up subconscious thoughts and emotions that may be affecting the patient’s current state of health. With the use of intuitive tools such as Tarot and Angel Cards, our counselor guides the patient and helps him/her bring to awareness negative thoughts and emotions that need to be released, to achieve holistic healing.
Lymphatic Dry Brushing
Lymphatic Dry Brushing is an ancient practice that involves brushing the skin using a natural-bristle brush to help stimulate good lymphatic flow and skin exfoliation. It promotes detoxification and improves elimination of accumulated cellular waste and may even aid in weight loss and cellulite reduction.
Also known as cupping, ventosa improves blood circulation by moving stagnated blood in the body. The suction and negative pressure from cupping stimulates muscle and nerve relaxation, therefore relieving pain and tension. It is most beneficial for patients who suffer from chronic pain and fatigue syndromes, high stress, migraine, arthralgias, cold conditions, and those who are very physically active, especially athletes who undergo a lot of training.